About Me


About Me

Self Motivated, Hard Working & Goal Oriented with a high degree of flexibility, creativity, A dedicated and tech-savvy individual with a Bachelor in Computer Application searching for a challenging role at a progressive organization that offers immense growth opportunities and to implement my advanced knowledge and skills to contribute to the success of the organization.

  • Front-End
    Html, Css, JavaScript, Bootstarp, jQuery
  • Back-End
    Python, Django
  • Database
  • Extra
  • 2023
    Bechelor Of computer Application(BCA)
    K.S. Rangasamy College of Arts and Science
  • 2020
    Siddhartha Matric High Sec. School
  • 2018
    Siddhartha Matric High Sec. School


My Work


Bus Ticket Reservation System

The Bus Ticket Reservation System project is created by using Html, Css, Bootstrap, JavaScript in front-end and Python in Back-end, Django used as Python framework. Sqlite3 is used to store data into database. Using this website user can book there Bus Tickets in online.


E-commerce website Shopping Mart

This project is designed by using Html, Css, Bootstrap, JavaScript and jQuery in front-end and Python, Django in back-end. Sqlite3 for database. Using this project user can book there product in online, track its status and make payment online.


Student Database

This project is created by using Html, Css, Bootstrap and Javascript in front-end and Python as programming language, Django as python framework and MySQL to store data. By using this project user can Add, Updata, Delete and Filter student data, they can also download student data as CSV format.


News App

The News App project is designed by using Html, Css, Bootstarp and Javascript. The News data are fetched from newsapi.org API.


Age Calculator

The Age Calculator project is made by using Html, Css and Javascript. Age Calculator project display your currect age by taking your Date of birth as input.


QR Code Generator

The QR Code Generator project is designed by using Html, Css and Javascript. This project will generate a QR code of url or text. User can customise the size and colour of QR code as well as they can download it.


Random Jokes

This project is designed width Html, Css and Javascript. The project will show the random Hindi and English Jokes. Jokes are fetched from API.


Random Password Generator

Random Password Generator is designed by using Html, Css and Javascript.It help to generate random password, user have to enter the password size into input box and it will generate password.They can easily copy there password by clicking copy button.


Live Code Editor

The Live Code Editor is designed by using Html, Css, Bootstrap and Javascript. Using this website user can able to write there Html, Css, Javascript code and viwe there live output into the output box.


Weather Fourcast

The Weather fourcast website is designed by using Html, Bootstrap and Javascript. Here I fetch the weather details from OpenWeather API by using javascript.Using this website the user can get there current weather status(Temperature, Wind Speed and Humidity) of village, city and country.



This website is created by using Html, css and javascript.By using this website user can able to change there text from uppercase to lowercase as well as lowercase to upper case and also they can copy there text and remove the extra spaces easily.



This Calculator is created by using Html, css and javascript.By using this website user can perform mathematical calculations.

Contact Me


+91 9361891307

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